Why Men Are Also Loving Botox

The Pros of Botox For Men  It’s not just women, but men feel the pressure to look a certain way, many of them are turning to Botox to enhance their appearance. There are plenty of alternative treatments for men which can restore their youthful looks, yet many look to Botox for its well-known cosmetic benefits. For most men with deep forehead wrinkles and crow’s feet, Botox is the answer.  According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, the top...

The Advantages of Botox over Facelifts

Why not a facelift? This is a question asked by many potential customers of our Tacoma Botox clinic. Indeed, if you have the resources necessary to afford the procedure, it may seem desirable to seek a permanent, surgical solution to your facial wrinkles. However, there is certain risk involved with plastic surgery that you simply do not get with Botox. The list of possible side effects from a facelift is long, including scarring, skin or fat necrosis, infection, nerve damage,...

Caring for Your Skin After Botox Treatments

Botox Post-Care Botox procedures are highly safe. However, after your treatment, there are some measures you can take to assure that you get the best results and avoid any discomfort that might occur. So, after you come in for an appointment at Botoxiue’s botox clinic in Tacoma, consider taking the following steps for a short while: Six hours after your treatment, gently clean the treated area with soap and water.Exercise your muscles. Practice smiling and frowning every hour or so...

Photoaging: Your Skin vs. the Sun

Sun Damage to Skin A good way to get the most out of a treatment from our Tacoma Botox clinic is to avoid anything that promotes the breakdown of your skin. This includes the sun, which is likely to be the biggest contributor to your skin’s aging. The sun has its health benefits, of course, but you only need roughly twenty minutes of unprotected sunlight exposure a day to get the vitamin D you need (or more, if you have...

The Amazing Non-Wrinkle Benefits of Botox

Botox: A Medical Wonder Par Excellent Did you know that Botox, that ultra popular anti-wrinkle cosmetic compound has other amazing uses in the medical world? Here are some lesser known benefits of the anti-wrinkle wonder. Botox for Eyelid Spasms Known as blepharospasms, it’s a movement disorder of the eyelid muscles. Persons are not able to control the excessive twitching and as a result eyelids can droop affecting daily activities. If severe one will be unable to see properly, less so...

Taking the Bag Out of Your Eyes

Puffy and Tired Eyes A big part of looking younger and more vibrant is keeping your eyes from looking puffy and tired. Our Tacoma Botox clinic can take you a long way in this department, reducing the effects of age lines around the eyes and tightening up your skin. If you’d like to try doing more by yourself, however, try these simple tips: One of the most important things you should be doing is making sure you’re staying hydrated and...

Your Questions on Botox

A Quick Botox Primer Here are the most burning questions you’ve always wanted to ask about Botox.  Dermatologists provide the answers. What is Botox and how does it really work? Botox is made from botulinum toxin, a protein  that freezes the facial muscles. It binds to the receptors on the muscles, blocking the signals that make the muscles contract. Hence, you won’t be able to make movements linked to wrinkles between your eyebrows, crow’s feet, and forehead lines. However, Botox...

Is My Makeup Protecting Me from the Sun?

Makeup SPF A lot of makeup products will list an SPF value, promising that wearing the makeup will help to protect you from the harmful effects of the sun. This can be an attractive prospect when you don’t want to have to apply sunblock over your cosmetics. However, in relying on the SPF of your makeup, you’re not doing your skin any favors. Our Tacoma Botox clinic advises that you always apply a proper sunscreen, even when wearing a high...

2020 Predictions for Top Injectable Facial Treatments

Botox and More on the Rise  Aesthetic treatments used to be hushed topics in years past, but now, it's no big deal to dish about your injection appointments. People of all generations are using Botox and Juvéderm, whether they’re 25 or 65 or older. There’s a major shift in trend in 2019 when younger adult patients were going for treatments. In the year previous, people under 40 were potentially looking into preventative options. Let’s see here what the pros are...

What are the Best Non-Surgical Anti-Aging Treatments?

Top Treatments That Actually Work  Fine lines and wrinkles are due to the loss of subcutaneous fat which is what happens as the human body ages. It’s also due to sun damage that leads to skin discoloration. While it’s not possible to eradicate or stop wrinkles and lines from forming, eating a healthy diet and keeping hydrated by drinking water every day can go a long way.  However, there are other anti-aging non-surgical treatments that can be used to keep...